How can misinformation be detected and stopped quicker? How can we shape our future in a sustainable way? How can technology be used to better our health care systems? The United Nations is a place where these ambitious questions are being asked: how can artificial intelligence be used for the greater good?

In support of confronting these challenges, the United Nations consulted experts from several different fields. At the AI For Good Global Summit scientist, politicians and artists all came together in Geneva (Switzerland) to discuss these issues from varying perspectives.

AI For Good was opened by the American author, futurist and head of technological development at Google, Ray Kurzweil. I had the pleasure of being invited as well and was introduced as ‘the leading artist in the field of artificial intelligence and technology’ and asked to hold the closing keynote speech of the event. My (trademarked) German play on words Künstlerische Intelligenz® was translated into English as ‘Artistic Intelligence’ and was chosen as the motto of the evening.